About Bryce Welker

Bryce Welker often contributes to Forbes, Inc.com, and AccountingToday.com as well as speaks frequently. He does this to assist others advance their careers. Bryce is the creator of more than 20 test preparation websites that aid individuals in passing certification tests.

Entries by Bryce Welker

Best CIA Review Courses – Top 6 of 2025

The future is uncertain and difficult to predict— especially when it comes to the job market. However, experts like Robert Half1 and the Bureau of Labor Statistics2 predict that the future job market for internal auditors is promising. But if becoming a Certified Internal Auditor is in your future, the best thing you can do […]

CIA CPE Requirements & Course Recommendations

You’ve worked hard to become a Certified Internal Auditor, but don’t put your study books away just yet. To maintain your CIA designation, you are required to fulfill certain CIA CPE requirements (Continuing Professional Education). WHY DO YOU NEED CIA CPE? There are two reasons why you must complete CIA CPE to stay in good standing with […]

How To Prepare For the Certified Internal Auditor Exam

You’ve nailed down that degree, clocked in some serious work experience, worked your butt off for that good reference letter, and are now ready to tackle the CIA exam. This is your final step in becoming a Certified Internal Auditor and starting your new career. To adequately prepare for this exam you’ll need to create […]

How To Become A CIA

Most people who hear the term CIA immediately visualize stealthy, wealthy and overworked government agents. The other version of the CIA is a little less exciting, but just as essential to the accounting community. What is a CIA? CIA stands for Certified Internal Auditor. Basically, a CIA is an accountant who conducts internal audits and […]


Accounting certifications come in several different forms. Distinguishing the differences between them is key when you’re trying to decide which one is right for you. With so many abbreviations, things can get confusing. I’m going to break it down to make things simple and straightforward. One of the most common designations is that of the […]

Lambers CIA Review

Course Rating: ★★★★★ Lambers has been active in the test prep industry since 1966 and offers review courses for a variety of accounting courses. Lambers CIA Review uses case studies and examples to help students understand, remember, and apply what they learn. Their course aims to make studying more efficient by only including subject matter that is the […]

CIA Learning System Review

Course Rating: ★★★★★ The CIA Learning System is the official study material developed by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). I have received many inquires from CIA candidates asking if it’s necessary to use this course to pass the Certified Internal Auditor exam, or if there are better and cheaper review courses on the market. This review covers the strengths […]

Certified Internal Auditor Salary

Does it feel like your accounting career is at a standstill? Perhaps you’ve worked in the same mid-level position for years and can’t seem to leverage yourself into getting that much-deserved raise. You might just need a simple boost in your credentials. If you are already a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), why not take the […]

Wiley CIA Review

Course Rating:  Following Wiley’s merger with UWorld, the trajectory of their CIA® prep content remains unclear. Those considering their courses should remain vigilant and monitor any updates to the curriculum or platform. Due to these uncertainties and the potential changes after the merger, our endorsement of Wiley for CIA® preparation is currently reserved. Accounting is […]

Surgent CIA Review

Surgent CIA Review course offers many appealing features that not only make it a viable study tool for students looking to pass the CIA exam, but also an educational resource that can’t be imitated. In a similar fashion to other exam prep programs offered by the company, Surgent relies heavily on the power of adaptive learning […]

Gleim CIA Review

RATING: Gleim CIA Review is one of the most popular CIA review courses on the market. Students have praised this extensive self-study course, which comes with an assigned personal counselor to help you through the entire CIA exam process.The comprehensive study materials, an option to buy materials separately or as a package, performance tracking, and […]

CIA Certification Requirements

The CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) designation is the only globally accepted designation for internal auditors. Anyone can study to become a CIA, but several prerequisites must be fulfilled. If you are considering becoming a CIA, you first need to make sure you are eligible for that qualification. Watch this video on YouTube Certified Internal Auditor […]

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